
Badgingarra listings, local sales head up latest from WA

Linda Rowley July 1, 2024

The 1233ha Kuranooking Park at Darkan has sold locally for $13.5M . Photo: Raine & Horne

WINTER property action in Western Australia includes local sales of Kuranooking Park at Darkan and a block at Gairdner, while separate vendors have listed adjoining Badgingarra farms.

Kuranooking Park

Kuranooking Park in WA’s Wheatbelt has sold to a local farming family for around $13.5 million, ending 70 years of Taylor family ownership.

The 1233ha mixed farm is situated 80km from Collie in the tightly held Darkan region, 200km south-east of Perth.

Raine & Horne Great Southern agent John Hetherington was unable to disclose the buyer or the price but during the marketing campaign, Kuranooking Park was expected to achieve around $13.5M.

The slightly undulating cropping and grazing country features a range of soil types including strong gravel, medium to strong and some deep chocolate loams.

Mr Hetherington said the Darkan property’s proximity to major powerlines could also provide potential for additional income, with proposed wind turbines in the area.

Situated in a 549mm rainfall area, Kuranooking Park is watered by 25 dams and five soaks.

Infrastructure includes a four-bedroom home, a six-stand shearing shed, sheep yards, numerous sheds and four silos.

Wilson’s Gairdner country sells

A local farming family has paid $8.3M to expand with exceptional farming land in the Great Southern region.

The sale of Neil and Loris Wilsons’ 1355ha unnamed property ends 32 years of ownership.

The country is situated on the South Coast Highway in the productive cropping area of Gairdner, 11km north of the CBH grain terminal and 23km south of Jerramungup.

Raine & Horne’s Mr Hetherington said there was strong inquiry from both locals and corporates.

“That area has jumped 400 percent in the last six years, mainly due to investment by big corporates, particularly Australian companies backed by Canadian superfund money.”

Growing canola, wheat and barley on 890ha of arable country, the property is perched high on the slightly undulating landscape with well drained, strong to medium soil types.

Previously, the country ran sheep.

Situated in a 450mm average annual rainfall region, it is watered by several dams and rainwater tanks.

The infrastructure is described as dated but useable and includes a three-bedroom home, a shearing shed, sheep yards and numerous sheds.

Mullering Brook Farm, Ooranya list

AWN Property has listed for sale two adjoining properties, Mullering Brook Farm and Ooranya, spanning almost 3000ha between Perth and Geraldton.

The Mondello family’s 1564ha Mullering Brook Farm at Badgingarra is ripe for conversion from grazing into a cropping enterprise.

Mullering Brook Farm at Badgingarra is ripe for conversion to cropping. Photo: AWN Property

AWN agent Rowan Spittle was unable to offer a price guide, but a neighbouring cropping property sold two years ago for around $4000/ac.

“Mullering Brook Farm is suited to a cropping enterprise, but interested parties would need to determine the cost of conversion,” Mr Spittle said.

“Independent third-party mapping indicates an arable area of around 1350ha.

“This land is available for a soil amelioration program over winter and spring in preparation for the 2025 cropping season.”

Features of the Mullering Brook Farm include long easy working runs and productive sand over gravels.

Although predominantly run as a grazing enterprise with a 3500DSE stocking rate, Mullering Brook Farm has produced a small share-crop each year.

Water is supplied by a bore supported by 570mm of rainfall.

Infrastructure comprises a three-bedroom mudbrick home, a six-stand shearing shed, steel sheep yards and several sheds.

Offers for Mullering Brook Farm close July 12.

Graham and Helen Lethleans’ adjoining mixed farm, the 1364ha Ooranya, is 12km south of Badgingarra on the Brand Highway.

An ongoing amelioration program of deep ripping and claying has been carried out on the undulating loamy gravels featuring some deeper soils.

Season dependent, the vendors plant 600-800ha to wheat and canola.

The 1160ha balance runs 1200 breeding ewes, 150 breeding cows and agists up to 1000 head of cattle in the spring.

Ooranya at Badgingarra generally grows 600-800ha of crop each season. Photo: AWN Property

Featuring a coastal climate, which means it is virtually frost free, Ooranya receives 550mm of annual average rainfall and has abundant groundwater.

Infrastructure includes a four-bedroom home, sheep and cattle yards, numerous sheds and seven silos.

Along with Mr Spittle, AWN Property agent Greg Tilbrook is handling the sale of Ooranya.


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