
Federal Govt announces $14.5M for Landcare

Grain Central June 24, 2024

THE FEDERAL Government is providing Landcare Australia and the National Landcare Network with $14.5 million to manage Australia’s natural resources and support the uptake of sustainable agricultural practices and environmental protection.

This funding is part of the Albanese Government’s $1.1 billion commitment under the Natural Heritage Trust, which it says will ensure national landcare organisations have capacity to deliver NHT outcomes, as well as strengthen First Nations engagement and participation in landcare projects.

A national network of 52 regional delivery partners has also been established to deliver critical environmental protection, sustainable agriculture and natural resource-management outcomes across Australia.

These partners will receive $88.3M in total to support operational functions, including delivering a Natural Resource Management plan for their region, managing work, health and safety and ensuring appropriate governance is in place.

The panel of partners will also play a key role in implementing commitments under the NHT by delivering on-ground projects such as: planting trees to revegetate habitat for threatened species; erosion control; fire-management actions like weed removal, and controlling feral animals.

Any Australian Government department can draw upon this panel to deliver on‑ground natural resource-management services.

The NHT is the Albanese Government’s key investment platform for achieving its natural resource management, sustainable agriculture and environmental protection outcomes.

Landcare funding also supports the goals of its Climate-Smart Agriculture Program to increase the capacity of Australia’s agricultural sector to respond and adapt to climate change.


“This funding will support local organisations to protect and restore our precious places including Ramsar wetlands, World Heritage areas and threatened species habitat,” Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek said.

“We want to make sure our kids and grandkids can enjoy our beautiful environment – and that means acting now to protect more of what’s precious and better manage it for the future.

“That includes dealing with feral animals and weeds to give our native plants and animals the best chance of surviving and thriving.”

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Murray Watt said mobilising landcare groups to work with farmers and landholders as well as First Nations groups ensures a solid foundation to promote and deliver climate-smart, sustainable agriculture initiatives across Australia.

“This will ensure uptake of more sustainable practices, responses to climate change and meet evolving market demands at an international, regional and local level,” Mr Watt said.

“Landcare organisations play a crucial role in supporting our shift to a more sustainable future for our agriculture industry by protecting our natural resources.”

Source: Federal Government


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